Sunday, August 24, 2008

This North Carolina Sky business...

Alls we know is, we don't get sky like this back home. This is from a recent trip to Burlington, a rather haggard area full of thrift stores and gas stations with ashtray internet casinos--our strong preference over the rampant presence of counter-culture coffee and hybrid cars with tame political bumper stickers of Chapel Hill or Carrboro. I'm pretty sure there are no hippies wearing crocs and pushing $1500 strollers in Burlington. Just big ass skies and big ass steaks.  In the battle for our souls, out of business gas stations with ten foot piles of used tires will always triumph over khaki pants and an ironic like of hip hop.

1 comment:

Bob D. said...

I was talking to the common man yesterday, and he's really touched that you two have his back. Then he called me a faggot.
Needless to say I see a lot of that out here in P-town. I am however, an admitted fan of direct trade, dank as fuck counter culture coffee.
Not really sure how to link your blog to mine, but I'd like to. I miss you more than you know.