Sunday, August 24, 2008

Southern Church Marquees and Mind Explosions.

So, we still don't know a whole lot about the South, I think that's fair to say. This may be a regional phenomenon or this may be a County phenomenon, or maybe it's all over the South, I don't know. Regardless, the church marquees down these parts are fantastic.
Borderline offensive? Without a doubt. Remarkably clever? Absolutely. Unintentionally hilarious to us atheists? FUCK YES.
We got together today in our brainstorming fortress of solitude and decided to post a weekly photo of one of these amazing marquees. Eventually, we hope to publish a collection as the greatest coffee table book ever. Here's your first taste of blood:

Now, technically that's not a church marquee, as it's outside of our favorite thrift store (Good Samaritan Super Thrift in Burlington, NC).  But the store itself is probably closer to being a church than most churches back up north.  See: free bibles, "This Property Protected by Jesus Christ" sign out front, free preacher's cassettes, crazy old southern ladies who say "Have a Blessed Day" when you finish buying a shiny green chair or $2 dollar martial arts stomach pad.

So that's the first...keep an eye out next weekend for a new picture.

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